Texas Medicaid

Texas Medicaid is more than just health care—it is an investment in the future of Texas. It goes beyond the doctor’s office and into our schools, our workplaces and our communities.

Featured Resources

Who Is Texas Medicaid?

The Managed Care Solution

How Does Texas Medicaid Managed Care Work?

Closing the Gaps: Medicaid Mental Health Coverage

Support SB 999: A Practical Fix for Medicaid Eligibility Delays

Additional Resources


Policy Papers

TAHP Presentations



Comment Letters

Legislative Briefs


Support SB 999: A Practical Fix for Medicaid Eligibility Delays

Transparency in Health Care Mandates: New Legislation Offers Relief for Texas Businesses and Families

Provider Credentialing 101

Medicaid Mental Health Testimony for Senate Health & Human Services 9.18.24

Medicaid 101

Medicaid Drug Coverage Works

Youth Health & Safety Select Committee Presentation July 31, 2024

Food for Thought Presentation: Medicaid Mental Health Coverage

Psychiatric Residential Youth Treatment Facility (PRYTF) Rules Comments

Closing the Gaps: Medicaid Mental Health Coverage

VDP MCO Pharmacy Meeting 07.25.24

Texas Medicaid Managed Care Continues to Deliver on Savings & Outcomes

Texas Families Struggle as Medicaid Falls Short on Mental Health Care

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Texas Medicaid

Food for Thought Presentation: Medicaid 101

How Does Texas Medicaid Managed Care Work?

Who Is Texas Medicaid?

A Critical Gap: The Need for Stronger Health Care Fraud and Abuse Protections in Texas

Texas Extends Medicaid Coverage for New Moms on March 1st

Texting Helps Medicaid Plans Provide Better Care

Medicaid Monday: The Unwinding Has Begun

New Poll: Texas Voters Support a Strong Medicaid Program

Medicaid Monday: Service Coordinators Connect Members to Services

Medicaid Monday: Mental Health Innovations in Managed Care

Medicaid Monday: Managed Care Means Innovation

Medicaid Monday: Managed Care Reduces ER Visits

Medicaid Monday: Medicaid Managed Care Nurses Make a Difference

Medicaid Monday: New Moms Still High-Risk for Medicaid Churn

Texas Medicaid Managed Care is Working to Keep People Covered Even after the PHE

Jessica Lynch Joins TAHP As Director of Policy, Government Program

What Drives Healthy Outcomes?

Texas Invests Federal Funds in IT for Better Health Care

Medicaid Monday: 56 Years of Medicaid

Texas Covered Conference + Expo Agenda Release

Medicaid Monday: STAR Kids Program Beats National Benchmark

Medicaid Monday: Legislative Update

Medicaid Monday: Improving Client Communication

Medicaid Monday: Care Coordination Creates Better Outcomes and Savings

Medicaid Monday: Medicaid Managed Care Works

Medicaid Monday: Texas Medicaid MCOs Save Money on Prescription Drugs for Taxpayers

New Partnership with Texas Medicare Advantage Plans to Help “Save our Seniors”

Medicaid Monday: Texas Medicaid MCOs Increase Access to Care

HB 4 and SB 412 Provide Smart Telehealth Expansion

TAHP Announces Medicaid Priorities for the 2021 Legislative Session

Connecting Texans: Texas Medicaid Managed Care Plans Support Texans During COVID-19

Texas Medicaid Serves Texas Veterans

Texas Medicaid Managed Care Plans Bring out the Best of the Texas Medicaid Program

Finding Health Coverage When You Lose Your Job: COBRA Is Not Your Only Option

TAHP Joins New Learning Collaborative

TribTalk: Medicaid Managed Care is Still the Right Choice for Texas

TAHP Urges TX US Senators to Reauthorize CHIP

HHSC Releases 2017 Fact Book

Legislators File Bill Extending Sunset Date of State-Run Medicaid Formulary

TAHP Recommends HHSC Request Funding for Mental Health in 2026-27 LAR

TAHP Recommends Medicaid Cost Containment Initiatives to HHSC

TAHP Comments on Incomplete Prior Authorization Rules

TAHP Comments on Proposed Rule Amendments Concerning the eHAC Extension

TAHP Comments on Proposed Chemical Dependency Rule

TAHP’s Comments to HHSC on Outpatient Hospital Reimbursement Methodology

Testimony On SB 1113: PDL Carve-Out

One-Pager Opposing HB 1293: Mandating Fee-for-Service Pharmacy Rates in Medicaid Managed Care

Testimony Opposing HB 1293: National Average Drug Acquisition Cost

Testimony Opposing HB 5274: Expedited Credentialing

Testimony Opposing HB 3891: RAC

One-Pager Opposing HB 3985: MDCP Private Coverage

Testimony Opposing HB 1283: PDL Outside of Managed care

Testimony Supporting HB 3286: PDL

One-Pager Supporting HB 3571/SB 1695: Medicaid CAA

Testimony Supporting HB 2802: Medicaid Texting

Coalition Letter Supporting HB 12: Extend Medicaid Postpartum Coverage to 12 Months

Testimony Opposing HB 916: 12-Month Contraceptive Mandate

Testimony Supporting HB 12: Medicaid 12-Month Postpartum Coverage

TAHP Comments to Proposed HB 4 Rules

The Prescription for a Healthier Texas Medicaid

Who We Are

Support SB 999: A Practical Fix for Medicaid Eligibility Delays

Medicaid Drug Coverage Works

Closing the Gaps: Medicaid Mental Health Coverage

How Does Texas Medicaid Managed Care Work?

Who Is Texas Medicaid?

Coalition Letter Supporting HB 12: Extend Medicaid Postpartum Coverage to 12 Months

The Prescription for a Healthier Texas Medicaid

Who We Are

Provider Credentialing 101

Youth Health & Safety Select Committee Presentation July 31, 2024

Food for Thought Presentation: Medicaid Mental Health Coverage

Food for Thought Presentation: Medicaid 101

Medicaid 101

Medicaid Mental Health Testimony for Senate Health & Human Services 9.18.24

Testimony On SB 1113: PDL Carve-Out

Testimony Opposing HB 1293: National Average Drug Acquisition Cost

Testimony Opposing HB 5274: Expedited Credentialing

Testimony Opposing HB 3891: RAC

Testimony Opposing HB 1283: PDL Outside of Managed care

Testimony Supporting HB 3286: PDL

Testimony Supporting HB 2802: Medicaid Texting

Testimony Opposing HB 916: 12-Month Contraceptive Mandate

Testimony Supporting HB 12: Medicaid 12-Month Postpartum Coverage

TAHP Recommends HHSC Request Funding for Mental Health in 2026-27 LAR

TAHP Recommends Medicaid Cost Containment Initiatives to HHSC

TAHP Comments on Incomplete Prior Authorization Rules

TAHP Comments on Proposed Rule Amendments Concerning the eHAC Extension

TAHP Comments on Proposed Chemical Dependency Rule

TAHP’s Comments to HHSC on Outpatient Hospital Reimbursement Methodology

TAHP Comments to Proposed HB 4 Rules

Psychiatric Residential Youth Treatment Facility (PRYTF) Rules Comments

One-Pager Opposing HB 1293: Mandating Fee-for-Service Pharmacy Rates in Medicaid Managed Care

One-Pager Opposing HB 3985: MDCP Private Coverage

One-Pager Supporting HB 3571/SB 1695: Medicaid CAA

Transparency in Health Care Mandates: New Legislation Offers Relief for Texas Businesses and Families

Texas Medicaid Managed Care Continues to Deliver on Savings & Outcomes

Texas Families Struggle as Medicaid Falls Short on Mental Health Care

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Texas Medicaid

A Critical Gap: The Need for Stronger Health Care Fraud and Abuse Protections in Texas

Texas Extends Medicaid Coverage for New Moms on March 1st

Texting Helps Medicaid Plans Provide Better Care

Medicaid Monday: The Unwinding Has Begun

New Poll: Texas Voters Support a Strong Medicaid Program

Medicaid Monday: Service Coordinators Connect Members to Services

Medicaid Monday: Mental Health Innovations in Managed Care

Medicaid Monday: Managed Care Means Innovation

Medicaid Monday: Managed Care Reduces ER Visits

Medicaid Monday: Medicaid Managed Care Nurses Make a Difference

Medicaid Monday: New Moms Still High-Risk for Medicaid Churn

Texas Medicaid Managed Care is Working to Keep People Covered Even after the PHE

Jessica Lynch Joins TAHP As Director of Policy, Government Program

What Drives Healthy Outcomes?

Texas Invests Federal Funds in IT for Better Health Care

Medicaid Monday: 56 Years of Medicaid

Texas Covered Conference + Expo Agenda Release

Medicaid Monday: STAR Kids Program Beats National Benchmark

Medicaid Monday: Legislative Update

Medicaid Monday: Improving Client Communication

Medicaid Monday: Care Coordination Creates Better Outcomes and Savings

Medicaid Monday: Medicaid Managed Care Works

Medicaid Monday: Texas Medicaid MCOs Save Money on Prescription Drugs for Taxpayers

New Partnership with Texas Medicare Advantage Plans to Help “Save our Seniors”

Medicaid Monday: Texas Medicaid MCOs Increase Access to Care

HB 4 and SB 412 Provide Smart Telehealth Expansion

TAHP Announces Medicaid Priorities for the 2021 Legislative Session

Connecting Texans: Texas Medicaid Managed Care Plans Support Texans During COVID-19

Texas Medicaid Serves Texas Veterans

Texas Medicaid Managed Care Plans Bring out the Best of the Texas Medicaid Program

Finding Health Coverage When You Lose Your Job: COBRA Is Not Your Only Option

TAHP Joins New Learning Collaborative

TribTalk: Medicaid Managed Care is Still the Right Choice for Texas

TAHP Urges TX US Senators to Reauthorize CHIP

HHSC Releases 2017 Fact Book

Legislators File Bill Extending Sunset Date of State-Run Medicaid Formulary

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