Texting Helps Medicaid Plans Provide Better Care

The Texas Association of Health Plans supports HB 2802 and SB 1127 to expand the of use texting in…

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ACA sign-ups continue to surge in Texas

 A record-breaking 16.3 million Americans enrolled in ACA plans for 2023. Florida had the highest number with 3.2 million and Texas…

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TAHP Supports Bills to Create More Affordable Health Coverage Options for Employers

This week, Sen. Drew Springer filed SB 605 which would give Texas employers the flexibility to select the best value in health insurance for their employees. It is the companion bill to HB 1001 by Rep. Giovanni Caprilione. Both bills would allow health plans to offer coverage that meets all the protections of insurance but is exempt from mandates that go beyond federal requirements.

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TAHP’s Legislative Guide is here

TAHP’s agenda focuses on creating increasing affordable coverage and building on the success of Medicaid managed care in the state.

The full guide gives a comprehensive explanation of health insurance issues for the legislative session, the agenda focuses on key, proactive items.

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TAHP Supports More Affordable Health Insurance Options

This week, Rep. Capriglione filed legislation to give Texas employers the flexibility to select the best value in health insurance for their employees. HB 1001 would allow health plans to offer coverage that meets all the protections of insurance but is exempt from mandates that go beyond federal requirements.

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