ACA sign-ups continue to surge in Texas
Complete Coverage
By: Alicia Pierce | Thursday, February 2, 2023
A record-breaking 16.3 million Americans enrolled in ACA plans for 2023. Florida had the highest number with 3.2 million and Texas followed with 2.4 million. Both states use the federal exchange.
By the numbers: In Texas that was a 31% increase, an impressive number even beyond the large increases in 2021 and 2022.
Why it matters: Increased sign-ups show there is a demand for health care coverage when affordable options are offered. Increased subsidies for ACA plans and policy changes such as fixing the “family glitch” made coverage affordable for many of Texas’ previously uninsured.
More choices: In addition to the record-breaking number of Texans signing up for ACA coverage, more health plans have entered the market. Texas leads the nation with 15 plans offering marketplace coverage in the state.
Our thought bubble: The record number of sign-ups and plans participating shows that using the federal marketplace in Texas works. The state should tread very carefully when it comes to altering the operations of the exchange.
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