New Bills Empower Texans to Save on Health Care with Transparency and Rewards

By: TAHP | Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Senator Kelly Hancock and Representative James Frank have filed legislation (SB 926 & HB 1959) aimed at modernizing Texas’ health insurance regulations. The bills will allow insurers to offer lower out-of-pocket costs to patients who shop for better health care deals and remove outdated laws blocking transparency of provider costs and quality.

What they’re saying: “Patients deserve access to meaningful cost and quality data, and they should be rewarded with lower out-of pocket costs for making smart health care choices,” said Jamie Dudensing, CEO of the Texas Association of Health Plans. “This legislation breaks down outdated regulatory barriers and gives Texans the tools they need to save money and improve their care.”

What the legislation does:

  • Builds on the success of HB 711, which eliminated anti-competitive barriers last session, by addressing remaining regulatory mandates that hinder transparency and patient engagement.
  • Allows insurers to reward patients with lower out-of-pocket costs when they choose higher-value providers and services.
  • Reforms outdated laws restricting insurers from sharing provider cost and quality rankings based on nationally recognized standards.
  • Establishes a fiduciary duty requiring insurers to prioritize the best interests of patients when designing health benefits.

Why it matters: Outdated regulations block innovation, driving up costs and leaving patients without the tools they need to shop for high-quality, affordable care. Texans deserve access to the information and incentives that empower them to make better health care decisions.

By the numbers:

  • Health care shopping incentives can reduce spending by up to 5%, creating significant savings for families and businesses.
  • Studies show that transparency helps lower costs for patients and improves overall care quality.

What Texans want: Employers, health plans, and consumer advocates strongly support these changes.

The bottom line: Texans are ready for smarter, more transparent health care options. SB 926 & HB 1959 remove outdated barriers, giving patients the tools and rewards they need to shop for better care while reducing their out of pocket costs.

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