TAHP Medical + Pharmacy Directors Forum

These invitation-only events offer our health plan Medical and Pharmacy Directors the unique opportunity to interface with their peers and hear from state and national experts as they discuss common challenges and best practices.  If you are interested in sponsoring and presenting at this forum email pdoner@tahp.org for more information. This meeting is only open to our health plan MDs & PharmDs.

Hampton Inn 200 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, TX

Oct 24, 2023

9:00 am - 3:30 pm


9:00 - 9:45am

The Healthy Equity and Cost Benefits of Immunoglobulin Infusions at Home

Immunoglobulins, derived from donated human plasma, are used in the treatment of hundreds of disease states, including immunodeficiencies and autoimmune disorders. This presentation will cover the use of immunoglobulin (Ig) therapy in these various conditions, as well as the importance of the clinician’s role in the individualization of care and Ig treatment planning. Topics will include strategies for cost containment and the health equity benefits of home infusion as a site of care.


  • James Sheets, CEO, CSI Pharmacy
  • Ed O’Bryan, CMO, CSI Pharmacy

9:50 - 10:35am

How Virtual Health Engagement drives successful P4Q and NMDOH

Pay For Quality and Non-Medical Drivers are Health are among the top 2 priorities for Texas Medicaid in 2024 and beyond. During this talk, you will learn how the right virtual health engagement strategy improves health outcomes, leading to over performing on P4Q and NMDOH.


  • Shameet Luhar, CEO, Vheda Health

10:40 - 11:25am

Patient journey to an approved Alzheimer’s disease treatment for patients with Early Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a growing public health crisis and represents a crucial unmet need in healthcare. New AD diagnostic tools and therapies are evolving the management of AD, changing the patient journey towards earlier identification and treatment initiation.

During this program, we will overview the patient journey to treatment with a therapy and discuss signs and diagnosis of early AD, the clinical trial data in informing selection for treatment for appropriate patients, key considerations for initiating the treatment, monitoring for safety, and economic impact of early intervention.


  • Angelo DeLuca, PharmD, Director, HEOR at Eisai Inc

11:30 - 12:15pm

Texas HCV Elimination

AbbVie will discuss the partnership with HHSC on HCV Elimination.


  • Speaker Name:  Ruston Taylor, Pharm.D., AbbVie Medical Affairs

12:25 - 1:10pm

Lunch Presentation - Building Vaccine Confidence in Post-Pandemic Texas

The 2020 global pandemic touched almost every aspect of our society. Its damaging impacts did not spare immunization, a simple and effective health measure that protects everyone, including our children. Now we are seeing an alarming decline in childhood immunization rates post-Covid. Access issues, misinformation and disinformation campaigns, and politicization of vaccines are contributing factors. This presentation will address reasons for the decrease in coverage and explore ways to build vaccine confidence, which is imperative to restoring childhood immunization rates to pre-pandemic levels.


  • Terri Burke, Executive Director, The Immunization Partnership

1:15 - 2:00pm

Using Technology to Scale Measurable Pharmacists’ Impact

This presentation will explore how we can utilize cutting-edge technology such as AI to magnify and quantify the impact pharmacists have on patient care. During this talk, you will learn about various technological tools and platforms that enable pharmacists to reach a broader audience, improve patient outcomes, and quantify their impact in the healthcare ecosystem. Attendees will be equipped with practical knowledge on current and emerging tech tools, covering different areas such as medication management, automatization of routine tasks and more, as well as potential barriers and strategies for effective implementation and integrations within pharmacy teams and organizations.


  • Ariel Efergan, Vice President of Growth at MDI Health
  • Stephanie Stewart, Clinical Pharmacist Lead, MDI Health

2:00 - 2:45pm

The Health Equity Collective Closed-loop Referral Demonstration Project: A “no wrong door” approach to care coordination for non-medical drivers of health.

  • The Health Equity Collective was developed to serve as a long-term, durable driver for improving health and health equity through collaboratively improving non-medical drivers of health. This ecosystem approach in order to improve health equity includes more than 200 multi-sector organizations with a singular mission of establishing a sustainable, data-driven, human-centered ecosystem of care among residents of the Greater Houston area. UTHealth serves as the backbone organization, anchoring this collective impact effort.
  • The Health Equity Collective’s cornerstone effort is the development and implementation of Closed Loop Referral infrastructure, which will be linked to the Health Information Exchange, for the Greater Houston area. This ecosystem comprised of multidisciplinary network partners that use a shared language, a resource database, and an integrated technology platform to deliver enhanced community care planning.


  • Shreela S. Sharma, PhD, RDN, LD, Director, Center for Health Equity, UT Houston School of Public Health
  • Heidi M. Hagen McPherson, MPH, Co-Lead, Health Equity Collective, Sr. Project Manager, UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston

2:50 - 3:30pm

The Accountable Health Communities

The Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model was a 5-year CMS Innovation Center project that tested whether systematically identifying and addressing the health-related social needs of Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries through screening, referral, and community navigation services has an impact on healthcare utilization. UT Health Houston served as the bridge organization in Houston and will provide an overview of the findings from their pilot and the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation will share information about their new pilot launching this year. The discussion will close with an overview of potential alternative payment models that could be used to sustain the model.


  • Linda Highfield, Associate Professor and Distinguished Chair in Population Health, UT Health Houston, School of Public Health
  • Aliya Hussanin, MD, Portfolio Director, Health, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation

James Sheets, PharmD

CEO, CSI Pharmacy

Edward O’Bryan, MD, MBA, CPE

CMO, CSI Pharmacy

Shameet Luhar

CEO, Vheda Health

Angelo DeLuca, PharmD

Director, HEOR at Eisai Inc

Ruston Taylor

Pharm.D., AbbVie Medical Affairs

Shreela Sharma, PhD, RD, LD

Director, Center for Health Equity, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health

Aliya Hussaini MD, MSC

Portfolio Director, Health, Michael and Susan Dell Foundation

Heidi M. Hagen McPherson, MPH

Co-Lead, Health Equity Collective, Sr. Project Manager, UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston

Ariel Efergan

Vice President of Growth at MDI Health

Terri Burke

Executive Director, The Immunization Partnership

Stephanie Stewart

Clinical Pharmacist Lead, MDI Health

Become a Sponsor

If you are interested in sponsoring one of our upcoming forums or other events please complete the request to sponsor form. Please make sure to include the event of interest.